I've been honored to have several of my photographs featured on journalistic and critical websites.
+972, Challenging racial supremacy — from Charlottesville to Tel Aviv, by Natasha Roth
AlterNet, The United States Is Witnessing a Shocking Rise in Alt-Right Violence, by Amanda Marcotte
AlterNet, Will the United States Ever Transcend White Supremacy?, by Robert Jensen
The American Conservative, The Censorious Left’s Latest Mania: ‘Decolonizing’ Everything, by Joanna Williams
American Historical Association, Irena's Lamp, by Tyler Stovall
Brewminate, What We Talk about When We Talk about Confederate Monuments, by Dr. Sarah E. Gardner
The Brian Lehrer Show (WNYC), Embedding in the Alt-Right, podcast hosted by Brian Lehrer
Bunk, Tear Down the Confederates’ Symbols, by Tyler Zimmer
Columbia Journalism Review, How Unicorn Riot covers the alt-right without giving them a platform, by Baynard Woods
Common Dreams, In 'Slap in the Face' to Immigrants, Spending Bill Leaves Out DREAM Act While Funding Border Wall, by Julia Conley
Common Dreams, Playing A Symphony On That White Skin, by Les Leopold
Facing South, Voices: A window into the horrors of our history, by Greg Huffman
GoLocalProv, Fecteau: The Name Game in Charlottesville, by Matt Fecteau
Huffington Post, Taking the Fight Against White Supremacy into Schools, by Adam Sanchez
Jacobin, Burying the Lie of the "Alt-Left" by Branko Marcetic
Jefferson Public Radio, DACA Dreamers in the crowd for State of the Union Address, by Briana Freden
KALW, 91.7 FM, How are immigration politics affecting TPS and DACA recipients?, by Rose Aguilar & Laura Wenus
KLCC 89.7 FM, DeFazio: Anti-American "Clowns" Ran Rampant In Charlottesville, by Brian Bull
Lawfare, The Domestic Terrorism Danger: Focus on Unauthorized Private Military Groups, by Philip Zelikow
The Living Church, Peaceful Clergy in Charlottesville
Moyers & Company, Charlottesville is a Step-Up Moment for Leadership, by Todd Gitlin
Moyers & Company, The Well-Armed, Uniformed Militiamen Whose Pictures You May Have Missed, by Todd Gitlin
Nashville Public Radio, This Isn't The First Time White Nationalists Pit Free Speech Against Civil Rights In Tennessee, by Julietta Martinelli
The Nation, The Activists Who Took Down the Confederate Statue in Durham Still Need Our Help. Here’s What You Can Do, by Elizabeth Adetiba
New Civil Rights Movement, Neo-Nazi Found Guilty in First Degree Murder of Heather Heyer at Charlottesville White Supremacist Rally by David Badash
New Mexico Political Report, A new generation of white supremacists emerges in Charlottesville, by A.C. Thompson and Karim Hajj
Open Global Rights, Defending free speech when laws do not apply equally to everyone, by A. Kayum Ahmed
Oxford Research Group, Sustainable Security Programme, What Drives Far-Right Terrorism in the United States?, by James A. Piazza
The Pothole View, Gitlin’s Words about Who Were Charlottesville’s Armed Militiamen, by Todd Gitlin
Public Seminar, Thinking After C'ville, by Marcus Toure B. McCullough
Public Services International, Charlottesville: AFSCME condemns "Nazi white nationalists"
Raw Story, These are the historical myths about America that feed white supremacy, by Peter J. Hammer
SocialistWorker.org, These Nazis Just Want to be Your Neighbor, by Nicole Colson
Signature, History Shows There’s Nothing ‘New’ in News from Charlottesville, by Tom Blunt
WhoWhatWhy, Why the March for Our Lives Might be a March for the Ages, by Celia Wexler
WAMU 88.5 FM, Can Militias Bring Weapons To Protests In D.C.?, by Martin Austermuhle
WNYC Studios, College Campuses: The New Recruiting Ground for White Supremacists, podcast episode hosted by Tanzina Vega
WYSO 91.3 FM, UD Professor: Racist Extremist Group Activity Has Increased In Southwest Ohio, by April Laissle